Taco Night 🌮

Ya’ll ready for this? I wish I had visuals for you but I didn’t have the energy to take pics once it was all over. Last night was taco night at our house. Not uncommon – we usually have taco night once or twice per month. I don’t think I thought tacos could be ruined but I am here to tell you they can. I am blaming my skillet.

So, I am getting all the ingredients for my meal together & I put the skillet on the stove & I turn on the heat so that the skillet is warm when I add the meat. I guess I got sidetracked with my other tasks & let it heat too long because the minute I added the meat it all went up in smoke! Like I had to physically take the skillet outside, yell for a new pan & leave the skillet outside to cool off. I put the charred meat (it honestly didn’t look bad) in a new pan & finished browning it 😂 (as if it was not beyond done) added my seasoning, & moved on to my beans. I was afraid to use the stovetop again so I opted for the microwave. I chose my best Tupperware bowl (that actually came from my mother in law’s & just never made it back – I don’t have good kitchen stuff ☺️) poured the beans in, secured the lid (that I would later see says “remove before heating) & popped it in for 2 minutes. I set the table & filled the chip bowl, made a yummy dip in my Kitchen Aid mixer & then went to get my beans. To my surprise the whole bowl was dented in & the lid would obviously not come off. Thankfully Brad is big-strong so he got it off:)

So picture it – the smoke from the meat situation is almost gone, the table is set complete with chips & dip & fresh limes. Brad gets a phone call he has to take so he steps out on the porch. I bless the food so the kids & I can start eating. Bella starts eating her taco while I am busy arranging the sides on my plate. She doesn’t say anything & just quietly watched as I picked up my taco & took a bite. There has never been a better time to use the 🤢🤮. It was awful!!! Like the skillet burning up affected it all & even though it was not black it was burnt & tasted burnt. It even made my other toppings taste bad. Bella was all like “I know! It’s awful & I just don’t think I can commit” 😂 We all had a good laugh & filled up on the chips/dips & side dishes.

When Brad joined us at the table, we warned him but that sweet man was hungry & in an effort to teach a bigger lesson – he not only ate my charred food, he ate a lot of it & did it with a smile. He has done that our whole marriage but I think this was the first really bad meal at the table with the kids & he used it as a teachable moment. I even tried to discourage him because I didn’t want him to get sick & he said “Admittedly, it’s not your best meal but it’s food & I am hungry so it meets the need & you took the time to cook it & serve it so I am gonna eat it” And eat it he did. He is such a good man. I honestly don’t know how he got those tacos down & kept them down but so far so good:) I appreciate his sensitivity, kindness & how well he loves us even when I screw up what was likely his only full meal of the day.

Brad told Lawson to always eat what his future wife cooks & thank her for cooking no matter what it tastes like. (Future wife, I have set you up well ☺️) He told Bella that she should look for a husband that always eats what she cooks no matter how it turns out. Then he added “you can tell him about the night your Momma burnt up the taco meat” ☺️

Making memories folks, the good meals make them & so do the burnt up ones:)

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